We Dictate Fashion

Thanks to Lester 'Molester' Jones, as ever.
Gothiness: off the scale Sweatiness: 8
At last it's happened my Darkling hoardes - the good people of i-D Magazine have been moved to create a Goth-based fashion shoot in honour of our work! We have dictated a new fashion! See here! http://i-donline.com/2011/10/goths-in-hot-weather/ Now, who's up for spending a week going around Hoxton or the East Village with a pogo stick and timing how long it takes for some media whore hipster nincompoop to buy one and sit in a cafe with it resting against his table while he cruises Facebook on his i-Pad 2?

P.S. What's slightly scary is that bus actually goes past my office whilst I write this tripe. How did they know?


aj rez said...

You win one intrawebz, sir!

Unknown said...

This one is really cool very creepy. You won't need to buy tumblr followers on this photo.

Creative Commons License Goths in Hot Weather by Tom Lenham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. Based on a work at http://www.gothsinhotweather.com/. All other territories © Tom Lenham, all rights reserved.